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    The Rover


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    It took about 10 minutes or so to understand the full implications of The Rover, what was happening in this dystopian drama written and directed by the talented David Michold who previously directed the outstanding ANIMAL KINGDOM which introduced us to the very talented Jackie Weaver who received a surprising but well deserved Oscar Nomination for her great role. As in Michold's other films the story for The Rover developed bit by bit in the writer's mind till it reached a maturity of tremendous proportion. The lead actor part was written for Guy Pearce on whom I will speak more and Rey, the younger dude of the piece, a role won by Robert Pattinson in audition creating a part unlike anything he's done before. Now I see Rob Pattinson as a true actor. More comments on him later, as well.

    What the film captures through its chilling story is a contemporary western of sorts some 700KM. North of Adelaide in the harsh Australian Outback. It all transpires some 10 years after a global economic collapse that has left much of the world a Wasteland. The diversity of the Outback with some minuscule small towns spotting the desert provided everything needed as a set for The Rover and more. It was sheer perfection every step of the way, never knowing from day to day, from location to location from town to town what the outcome would be in the multitude of confrontations in this harsh land. Everything we see or hear literally has an impact as the frightening tale unfolds.

    The Rover premiered at Cannes in May of 2014 in the out of competition section and received some tremendous reviews especially for GUY PEARCE as ERIC and ROB PATTINSON as REY, the needy boy who is a bit of a half wit! These unparalleled, engaging performances by Guy and Rob had me reeling. They were both nominated for the equivalent of the Australian Oscar. Guy Pearce's barely controlled ferocity as Eric is truly exceptional. Pearce has provided some knock out films from L. A. Confidential to the astonishing MEMENTO and even in MILDRED PIERCE with KATE WINSLET. He's an A list actor though some poor souls have no idea who he is! As tremendous as he is, what becomes a true revelation is Rob Pattinson's unrecognizable work as Rey, a damaged, unfocused soul who becomes the older man's (Eric) half-unwilling accomplice of the hardened loner's search of the one thing that really matters to him, not forgetting that Rey is desperately seeking something as well. ( NO REVELATION, or IT WILL BE A SPOILER.) I believe this is Pattinson's best performance to date and proves once and for all he does not have to play in junk movies like TWILIGHT any longer. The writer/director chose Rob specifically for the role as he instinctively knew he would perform above par if handed the challenging material. How right he was. Pattinson's performance is always spot on, but as the film progresses, his work becomes more intense and laboured reflecting the demons that are within his young soul.

    The Rover is tension filled from beginning to end, but has one slight drawback in a narrative technique that I feel confuses many viewers. I'm being very picky here, because it is such a minor issue beautifully overcome through its sheer, intense watchability. The movie is a truly impressive piece of film making, tense and unrelenting that chills one from head to foot or possibly even make the blood run cold. This survival flic of a two man, two way mission could never work outside this post-apocacalyptic relentless Outback. The western aspect of which I spoke comes into play much like cowboys shooting at each other in the days of the old West. What the director does is wise and smart, not overdoing the gunplay and blood which would only take away from the main theme of the movie... that these two men be focused and on track to get to their final destination!

    In case there is some confusion with the opening of the film as was the case with some friends, what we are faced with is the sudden appearance of two bodies strewn by the wayside. A robbery goes bad even before the opening of the film leaving a policeman dead and Rey, the Robert Pattinson character left for dead by his own brother and two Aussie knucklehaeds of sorts. THIS GIVES NOTHING AWAY OF THE FILM AS IT HAS ALREADY OCCURRED ONCE we are brought to the crime location. One must thoroughly understand the opening or basically be lost and confused, as lost and confused as if stranded in this god forsaken place.

    The importance of the Outback cannot be over stated. It becomes the very personification of a third major character in the narrative. It is one of the things I admired much about this feature. The desolate beauty of this tremendous Outback is so minimalistic yet it offeres an array of perfect colours like a dusty blue, pale greens and browns which created a vastness that is quite unreal. It all becomes a visionary achievement that never ceases to mesmerize the viewer. The cinematographer has done a great job in capturing these open spaces.

    The Rover is powerful film making but, as stated somewhere along the way, one must lend full concentration to the film. It's not some half-baked comedy or drama most viewers like to frequent. If you have no intention of seeing a serious film that compels you to think, don't see this little masterpiece.

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    pietroantoni@  2.4.2015 age: 36-49 14,628 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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