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    Star Trek Beyond


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    The first time I saw “Star Trek Beyond”, I enjoyed it very much but felt that I might have missed out on aspects of the story due to the fast pace and the 3D effects. Having seen it a second time, I say without a doubt that this is a rewarding installment in the franchise. It maintains what we’ve enjoyed about the previous pictures while also moving it in a more “Star Trek-y” identity and delivering plenty of humor and character development.

    Set three years after the previous film, the crew of the USS Enterprise is responding to a cry for help. Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), Commander Spock (Zachary Quinto), medical officer McCoy (Karl Urban), Lieutenant Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Commander Scotty (Simon Pegg), Lieutenant Sulu (John Cho), Ensign Chekov (Anton Yelchin) and the rest of the crew find themselves stranded without a ship when an alien warlord named Krall (Idris Elba) attacks.

    There are two main pillars that hold this film high and victorious. The first is the characters. At this point, we’re familiar with the crew of the USS Enterprise. They don’t need any introductions so what you want to see is more day-to-day stuff. Who’s best friends with who, what kind of dynamics do Spock and McCoy have, what kind of wild ideas do Chekov and Scotty bounce off each other? I'm still surprised that in a story with alien invaders, big space battles, explosions, phaser shootouts and motorcycles flying through the air, there's plenty of character development. What’s ingenious about this story is that it gives all of the characters something to do. The crew is separated and looking for each other. Some of them are injured. They’re all scared, looking for a way to stop the bad guy. I know that the script was deliberately written to give characters like Uhura an opportunity to use her communication skills and McCoy a scene in which he displays his on-site medical prowess, but it doesn’t feel that way. This story is an organic one that utilizes the resources at its disposal well. During the quieter moments as they wait for transmissions to be received or bones to set, you get plenty of humor and moments to learn about them. This is the kind of thing that director Justin Lin (most famous for directing “Fast & Furious 3-6”) excels at.

    Now being familiar with the story I was able to focus on "Beyond's" other biggest strength, it’s action climax. Analyzing and dissecting it, you realize how expertly it’s put together. There’s a constant escalation during what must be the last 45 minutes of this 122-minute movie. Our villain Krall (unfortunately a tad underdeveloped) is getting ready. It’s time for the crew to make their move. When they do, it's a duel to the death. Just when you think our heroes have won, he pulls out a new stratagem or pushes just far enough that he's able to advance to the next stage of his plan and the tension jumps up a notch. And the developments varied as well. Krall doesn’t simply pull out another ship. As the action moves closer and closer to the finish line, tactics have to be altered, the sweat starts pouring down your forehead at an accelerated rate. At the same time, the battles get smaller, more personal. It’s a four-course meal of special effects action, with each new dish complimenting the last.

    I wish I would’ve had more time to prepare for the film and power through the original series. I can’t be sure, but I have the nagging feeling the picture’s chock full of easter eggs and references that will have Trekkies (or is it Trekkers? ) bob their heads in approval. Notice how I said, “I can’t be sure”. That’s because none of them are in-your-face in a way that makes you feel like you’re missing out if you’re not a fanatic of the original show.

    Leonard Nimoy died a year before the film’s release and there’s a nice tribute to him. Then, it ends on a note that almost feels like the director knew that some of the crew wouldn’t be coming back. Poor Anton Yelchin tragically died in an accident on June 19 so there’s no way they could’ve reshot anything and deliver a tribute similar to the one Paul Walker got back in “Furious 7”. With the way the picture closes up, you’d swear they did. The last emotional beats of “Beyond” are absolutely perfect, so it brings in things that are new (I really enjoyed Sofia Boutella in the role of Jaylah) and as a "final farewell" to some of its cast, it's very elegant.

    “Star Trek Beyond” is a blockbuster that strives to do more than simply bombard you with special effects while begging you to leave your brain at the door. This is a smartly written film that utilizes its assets very well, delivers on the emotional beats and also features terrific action. I say bring it on again. I can’t wait to see more of this series. (3D theatrical version on the big screen, August 22, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  23.8.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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